Partners !!

LV Prasad Eye Institute was our partner for the eye hospital and helped in the initial establishment.

Operation Eye sight Universal, Canada the leading funding organisation in the eyecare sector funded the hospital during the past.
For more details please click on this link

Charity Aid Foundation (CAF) is a well known international organisation which validates charities. They have audited Balagram and validated it for the salary giving programme of Microsoft under which Microsoft made matching donation to Balagram equal to the amount donated by its employees to Balagram.

Help Age India has funded the setting up of the Old Age Home (Prathyasa Bhavan). It also funded the free surgeries done by the eye hospital.

Scott Bader Middle-east, Dubai has funded the education and also the furniture for the new study room.

Nuthakki Ramaseshaiah Memorial Trust set up by Late N.B. Prasad former Secretary; Department of Energy Govt. of India has funded the construction of the new study Hall and library.

Various Rotary Clubs of Canada and India had been associated with Balagram in setting up the dairy farm and the phaco machine in the eye hospital.

The Canadian Governmental organisation CIDA was associated with Balagram.

Lenzing Plastics, Austria supported the construction of the new operation theatre
 and also provided funds for free surgeries.

LIC of India has been supporting the hospital and school as part of its CSR initiative

But the strength of Balagram has been individuals; mostly small but significant donations which have been our great support